
Any new project I start, I always start the with same tech stack.


That's it. Most of anything a new project needs (authentication, customization, interactivity) can be achieved with these three tools.

Why PHP/Laravel?

PHP has been around a lot longer than any other web language today and it has come a long, long way since the early days. There are a number of reasons why I like choosing PHP/Laravel for new projects.

  1. It's easy to learn
  2. It's easy to host
  3. It's easy to find developers
  4. The ecosystem is unbeatable

PHP is also fast (Octane/FrankenPHP). While I wouldn't go as far to say PHP is the perfect tool for all applications, for any application I build it certainly is.


Of course, there's always repository and CI/CD plumbing in which I like to use:


MySQL or SQLite. Redis for cache.

Last change: 2024-08-09, commit: ec3fd6f